Starboard | Hall of Fame

Getting Started Jul 25, 2021

This Blog will help you make a Starboard for your own server :D

  • What is Starboard?
    Starboard is a Feature which allows members to Star(react) any Message upto a Number of Times and it will be posted by the Bot in a Seperate Channel.
    You can use Starboard as a Hall of Fame for your Server with all your memories Starred and Stored there.
    Isn't it cool? :D
  • How to Star a Message?
    It is Simple you can star any Message by reacting that message with ⭐:star:
    When the Message gets the Minimum Amount of Stars it will be posted on the Starboard Channel.
Starring a Message
  • Setting up Starboard Channel
    Before anything else you need to have a Channel which can act as your Hall of Fame.
    • ;starboard [Channel]
    • ;starboard #hall-of-fame

Now the Mentioned Channel is your Starboard Channel

Make sure @everyone role don't have perms to Send_Messages and Add_Reactions for it to look a lot Cleaner

Setting up Starboard Channel
  • Ignoring and Unignoring Channels
    Don't want to get Starboard Messages from some Channels?
    You can Ignore some Channels for that

    • ;starboard ignore [Channel]
  • Accidentally Ignored wrong Channel?

    • ;starboard unignore [Channel]
Ignoring some Channels from Starboard
  • Number of Stars Required to Post a Message in Starboard Channel
    You can always change the Number of Stars required to post the Message in Starboard Channel
    • ;starboard count [Count]

After this, the Message should have Stars Equal to or Greater than the Count for it to be posted in Starboard Channel

Changing the Starboard Count
Have a Nice Day :D


Joshua V

Dream. Design. Develop Hi I'm Joshua, Js/Py Programmer Web Developer UX/UI Aspirant Designer Certified Pentester

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