[Premium] How to setup invite role rewards | Reward Your Members
To use invite role rewards you need to have Discortics Premium.
What is an Invite Role Reward?
Well, with Discortics you can reward your members when they invite X amount of people. Discortics easily provides this using commands within the Discord app.
If you need help with anything invite related. Feel free to type ;help invites
Note: Invite
is not the same as invites
Steps to Success
Firstly, run ;invites roles add
this will start the process.
After that, simply ping the role (or ID) and then type the level.
Format: @Role [x]
. You can do this 150 times maximum.
The bot should react with ✅ if it has seen the message. If not, please check click here.
Once your done, simply type -done
And you are done! Hope this helped!
Have a good day :D