Managing Commands | Enable and disable any command

Settings Jul 5, 2021

Want to Disable Commands in General Chat? :D
Discortics Support Enabling and Disabling Commands in Particular Channels as well as Whole Server

  1. Disabling Commands
  •  Channel Specific :
    ;cmds disable Category/Command_Name #channel
  • Server :
    ;cmds disable Category/Command_Name Server

2. Enabling Commands
For this you first need to Disable that Particular Command/Category in Whole server so that it will only Work in a particular channel.

  • Channel :
    ;cmds enable Category/Command_Name #channel
  • Server :
    ;cmds enable Category/Command_Name #channel

3. Viewing Commands
Wanna see what commands are Enabled/Disabled in a Channel?
;cmds view #channel

Accidentaly Disabled all commands in your Whole server?
There is a Quick way to solve that

  1. Create a new Channel
  2. Enable all commands from there
    ;cmds enable all #channel/server
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Phantom Baha

Hello everyone! I am a discortics moderator, feel free to DM me if you need help or anything. My Discord Name: Phantom Baha#0698

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