Autopilot Dec 11, 2021
We are using the default prefix, on this blog, but remember that you may have/can change it.

This Feature does help you to prevent post with suspicious, NSFW, invites and shorten links.



So you can see all the options.

;antilink enable

;antilink config

The available configurations are:

Determines whether all links should be blacklisted

;antilink all-links enable/disable

Default: Disabled
Recommended: Disabled


Determines whether all NSFW/Pornography links should be blacklisted

;antilink nsfw-filter enable/disable

Default: Enabled
Recommended Enabled


Determines whether all Discord-invite links should be blacklisted

;antilink invite-filter enable/disable

Default: Enabled
Recommended Enabled


Determines whether all phishing/suspicious links should be blacklisted

;antilink sus-filter enable/disable

Default: Enabled
Recommended: Enabled


Determines whether all link shorteners should be blacklisted

;antilink shorten-filter enable/disable

Default: Enabled
Recommended: Enabled


The users will be ignored by the anti-link filter.

;antilink ignored-users [add/remove] @user1 @user2 ...

Recommended: Is up to your own criteria


The domains should be filtered by the anti-link filter.

;antilink blacklist [add/remove] [link]


The domains should be ignored by the anti-link filter.

;antilink whitelist [add/remove] [link]


The roles that will be ignored by the anti-link filter.

;antilink ignored-roles [add/remove] @role1 @role2 ...

Recommended: Is up to your own criteria


The channels that will be ignored by the anti-link filter.

;antilink ignored-channels [add/remove] @channel1 @channel2 ...

Recommended: Is up to your own criteria


If enabled, a warning will be issued when the bot detects mentions according to the configuration. If disabled, the user will not be warned, but still the mute will work (if enabled)

;antilink warn [enable/disable]

Default: Disabled
Recommended: Enabled


If enabled, the user will be muted when the warn count matches the configuration. If disabled, the user will not be muted.

;antilink mute [enable/disable]

Default: Disabled
Recommended: Enabled


The number of warnings that should result in a mute.

;antilink mute-warns [Number of warns/time]

Range: 2s - 59m 59s
Example: 10/15m means if a user gains 10 warns in a period of 15 minutes, they will be muted


Time duration for which the user should be muted. 0 stands forever.

;antilink mute-duration [time]

Example: 1d 4h 25m


This new addition comes to replace somehow the mute feature, still, you will see it on
;antilink config
And will adopt the mute config done, if you have it enabled.

From now on, the configuration will be more easy and quick with bottoms.

Example of what you can see at the end. Bottoms have been added on 17/1/22

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